Thursday, July 13, 2017

Setting Java Concurrent Package Non Blocking FutureTask Execution

Java has `Callable` interface, that belongs to `java.util.concurrent` package, which has a method `call()`.

In order to understand this context, its quite simple that concurrent package has `Callable` interface, this `call()` method could return object at run-time. `FutureTask` can take Callable Object through its constructor. For the `FutureTask` there is a `run()` method, served by Inheritance Hierarchy by `RunnableFuture`.

So when we extend `FutureTask` in order create Executor Framework task, its our responsibility to override `run()` method within the class which we create (extending `FutureTask`). Once we do that we get the body which act as execution block of Executor. Afterwards this `FurureTask` object can be passed to the framework based on the need by `V call()` method in run-time. This can be done by writing Governance classes which extends `Callable` Interface.

At run-time, `FutureTask run()` body is monitored & controlled by these methods

V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
V get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;

boolean isCancelled();
boolean isDone();
boolean cancel(boolean);
protected void done();
protected void set(V);
protected void setException(java.lang.Throwable);
protected boolean runAndReset();

`run()` method can be started by threading mechanism,- `thread_obj.start()`, rather we can go for `Executor` framework `execute()` which will take care of running FutureTask `run()` method. Over this we can have Fork, Enqueue, Dequeue, can do Atomic operations, Theadpool, Concurrency. And we could have `ReentrantLock`, `StampedLock`, `ReadWriteLock`, `ReentrantReadWriteLock`

`ExecutorService` class can make goverance to overall tasks, future tasks spawn. It serves method to shutdown the processes. We could judge the processes been shutdown or terminated. `shutdownNow()` shuts all the executor, future services and gives thead objects list. And we could presume by `invokeAll(? extends Callable)`, `invokeAny(? extends Callable)` also passing `java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit` is possible.

And by using `submit(Thread or Callable)`, we could instantiate Future object, it accepts either Thread or Callable.

For recursion, we can make use of these classes


We could delay the process by class by extending & overriding following interface


In these classes delay of `java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit` is been taken care explicitly


`` is abided within these FutureTask operations implicitly.

Following exception may arise while we work with `FutureTask`, `Executors`
