Friday, December 27, 2013

Centroid Theory [OR] Intact Theory

Transition describes the matter. (And everything is matter nothing
else) Permutation of any number to zero results in ONE possibility, when
you solve six side colored Playing Cube you will feel it while you
tempts to win that there is only one possibility to WIN.

prior theory in physics says energy can be converted/transformed but
cannot be destroyed. I feel this now - [Centroid Theory (OR) Intact
Theory] now based on that.

 As per this so far what we defined as
ATOM which cannot divided as tiny entity further, has core consists of
just a Centroid that comprised nothing. However Centroid has a power to
act on ATOM which is intact but can transformed as & on, which this
society leverages with 1..7 [OR] 1..5 transition engineering process
confusing even more when metrics comes to the calculation to further
lower levels on electro & chromo dynamics, but so far achievements
are fair by having it's hope on Mathematical Precision which is
hypothetical when considering even a normal mechanical process, but
results are closely achievable as Maths is powerful. And this should
prolong in playing on this Centroid Theory by having Mathematical
Approximation/Calculation which makes the Intact nature is safe &
secure while we manipulate the centroid to make it intact and useful.


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